Lenovo 3000 J115 7388-xxx Computer Manual
Lenovo 3000 J115 7388-xxx Computer manual for this Lenovo system directly has accessible 3000 J115 7388-xxx specification. It includes Lenovo configuration, performance, design manual. All the Lenovo Computer user manuals are usually found directly from the Lenovo support site, if the pages does not show details please check the Lenovo website for 3000 J115 7388-xxx instruction guide / Lenovo 3000 J115 7388-xxx owners manual. Find Lenovo Computer manuals found on the Lenovo support website, this include 3000 J115 7388-xxx technical, operations, maintenance, repair, troubleshooting, 3000 J115 7388-xxx hardware specification guides.
Lenovo 3000 J115 7388-xxx Specification: The 3000 J115 7388-xxx comes in these configurations with a fixed retail price range. This configuration Lenovo provided was complete with a AMD Athlon 64 X2 Socket 940 Serial ATA, Ultra ATA/133 PCI/PCI Express 1x / 16x Build-in NCR810 and Adaptec 7850 SCSI driver Windows XP Home or Windows XP Professional, SO-DIMM Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 3000 2 MB SGRAM 8 MB SGRAM
The Computer memory add up to 4.0 GB, with standard memory of 512 MB (removable), memory installed PC2-4200/5300 DDR2 SDRAM DIMMs. Supports Dual Channel DDR2..
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